Melissa Mutoni
Melissa Mutoni
Seeking Job Type: Part-Time | |
City | Edmonton |
Tell us more about yourself
I graduated from the University of Utah College of Pharmacy in 2017. During my schooling, I interned at the University Hospital and Huntsman Cancer Center where I was trained in compounding chemotherapy drugs and medication reconciliation. After graduation, I worked in community pharmacy in Irving, Texas from 2017 to 2018 handling the various healthcare needs of a diverse population. I have a certificate in public health. So during the COVID pandemic, I worked as a supply chain manager for the World Health Organization.
Regarding my Canadian experience, I worked at Rexall pharmacy from 2021 to 2023 in Ottawa. My main interests are community or hospital pharmacy, mental health care and oncology care. I can draw from my varied experience in the pharmacy field to deliver the best patient care - (PART TIME NOW, then FULL-TIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE)